Patent Valuation: From First Principles to Pragmatic Considerations Organized by the CII | Jay Kesan
"Patent Valuation: From First Principles to Pragmatic Considerations," 3rd Series of Training on Intellectual Property Valuation, organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), March 28, 2021
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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#JayKesan #IntellectualProperty #PatentValuation #PragmaticConsiderations #IntellectualPropertyValuation #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Watch the complete seminar
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #IntellectualProperty #PatentValuation #PragmaticConsiderations #IntellectualPropertyValuation #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

Patent Valuation: From First Principles to Pragmatic Considerations Organized by the CII | Jay Kesan
"Patent Valuation: From First Principles to Pragmatic Considerations," ...
"Patent Valuation: From First Principles to Pragmatic Considerations," 3rd Series of Training on Intellectual Property Valuation, organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), March 28, 2021
Watch the complete seminar
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #IntellectualProperty #PatentValuation #PragmaticConsiderations #IntellectualPropertyValuation #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Watch the complete seminar
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #IntellectualProperty #PatentValuation #PragmaticConsiderations #IntellectualPropertyValuation #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

Impact Of Recent European Court Of Justice On About Privacy Shield & Transfer Of Data From EU To US
What about the impact of the recent European Court of Justice (ECJ) ...
What about the impact of the recent European Court of Justice (ECJ) decision about the privacy shield and the transfer of data from the EU to the U.S.?
The recent decision ...of the European court of justice about the privacy shield and if you think that this decision could make the American companies support federal legislation in order to guarantee the transference of data from Europe to the United States of America
Watch the video to know the impact.....
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #EuropeanCourtofJustice #PrivacyShield #DataTransfer #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
The recent decision ...of the European court of justice about the privacy shield and if you think that this decision could make the American companies support federal legislation in order to guarantee the transference of data from Europe to the United States of America
Watch the video to know the impact.....
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #EuropeanCourtofJustice #PrivacyShield #DataTransfer #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

What About The CCPA & The Political Economy Of California That Permitted The CCPA To Be Passed?
Regarding the legislation issue in the US. California is a place where ...
Regarding the legislation issue in the US. California is a place where all the tech companies are placed and they were able to have legislation regarding data protection - What ...are the differences between California and the rest of the US?
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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#JayKesan #CCPA #CaliforniaConsumerPrivacyAct #PoliticalEconomyOfCalifornia #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #CCPA #CaliforniaConsumerPrivacyAct #PoliticalEconomyOfCalifornia #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

What About The Role Played By US Courts In Protecting Privacy & Enhancing Data Protection? Jay Kesan
In reference to the federal trade commission and the institutions that ...
In reference to the federal trade commission and the institutions that regulate the American system. Mostly interested in, what could be big important changes for the institutions especially concerning the protection and the federal authority that is responsible for the data; Is the federal trade commission and what could be a good direction of changes to represent - political economy issues (actual issue) - what kind of direction of regulations we could learn and slowly change.
Watch the video to check the comment on...
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan USCourts #ProtectingPrivacy #RolePlayed ByCourts #RolePlayedByUSCourts #DataProtection #EnhancingDataProtection #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Watch the video to check the comment on...
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan USCourts #ProtectingPrivacy #RolePlayed ByCourts #RolePlayedByUSCourts #DataProtection #EnhancingDataProtection #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

Is Access To Personal Data A Matter Of Concern For Competition Law | Jay Kesan
About the Tik Tok and competition law, what's the opinion and the ...
About the Tik Tok and competition law, what's the opinion and the access to the personal data from the population as an element of competition law. What are the connections ...between these issues under U.S law?
Watch the complete video to know the opinion on the competition law
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #CompetitionLaw #PersonalData #PersonalDataAccess #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Watch the complete video to know the opinion on the competition law
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #CompetitionLaw #PersonalData #PersonalDataAccess #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

Is There Likely To Be A Federal Data Protection Law In The US? | Jay Kesan
Do you think that the United States will have a federal data ...
Do you think that the United States will have a federal data protection law?
Watch the video to know more on the federal law protection law in the United States
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #FederalLaw #FederalDataProtectionLaw #FederalDataProtectionLawInTheUS #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Watch the video to know more on the federal law protection law in the United States
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #FederalLaw #FederalDataProtectionLaw #FederalDataProtectionLawInTheUS #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

Are People In The U.S. More Concerned About Their Personal Data Now? | Jay Kesan
If people here in the U.S. are more concerned with their personal data ...
If people here in the U.S. are more concerned with their personal data because of what happened in the last elections with the Cambridge Analytica and since this year there ...will be another election so if people are more concerned their personal data.
Are people in the United States of America more concerned about their personal data now?
Watch the complete video to check Jay Kesan's view.
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #PersonalData #ConcernedAboutTheData #PersonalData #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Are people in the United States of America more concerned about their personal data now?
Watch the complete video to check Jay Kesan's view.
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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#JayKesan #PersonalData #ConcernedAboutTheData #PersonalData #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

What Are The Enforcement Actions In The U.S. Being Undertaken Against The Big Tech Companies?
Today what are the enforcement measures adopted in the U.S by the ...
Today what are the enforcement measures adopted in the U.S by the authorities in relation to big tech companies such as Facebook and Google?
What Are The Enforcement Actions In The ...U.S. Being Undertaken Against The Big Tech Companies? | Jay Kesan
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #EnforcementActions #EnforcementMeasures #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesofAmerica #US #USA #TechCompanies #Facebook #Google #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
What Are The Enforcement Actions In The ...U.S. Being Undertaken Against The Big Tech Companies? | Jay Kesan
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #EnforcementActions #EnforcementMeasures #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesofAmerica #US #USA #TechCompanies #Facebook #Google #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

What Is The Federal Legal Status Of Data Protection In The U.S.? | Jay Kesan
What Is The Federal Legal Status Of Data Protection In The U.S.? | Jay ...
What Is The Federal Legal Status Of Data Protection In The U.S.? | Jay Kesan
What is the opinion about the discussion of a federal status of data protection in the ...U.S?
Watch the video to know the opinion on the data protection
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #DataProtection #UnitedStates #DataProtectionInTheUS #Federal #FederalLegal #FederalLegalStatus #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
What is the opinion about the discussion of a federal status of data protection in the ...U.S?
Watch the video to know the opinion on the data protection
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #DataProtection #UnitedStates #DataProtectionInTheUS #Federal #FederalLegal #FederalLegalStatus #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

How To Kickstart Your International IP Law Career Today & Get International Clients? | Jay Kesan
How to Kickstart Your International Intellectual Property Law Career ...
How to Kickstart Your International Intellectual Property Law Career Today & Get International Clients -- A Discussion with Mr. Ramanuj Mukherjee
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a ...Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #IntellectualProperty #CareerInIntellectualProperty #InternationalIPLawCareer #InternationalIntellectualPropertyLawCareer #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a ...Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
Personal Website:
Blog Website:
#JayKesan #IntellectualProperty #CareerInIntellectualProperty #InternationalIPLawCareer #InternationalIntellectualPropertyLawCareer #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

Data Protection In The U.S - Webinar At The Federal Uni. Of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil | Jay Kesan
Data Protection in the U.S.," a webinar at the Federal University of ...
Data Protection in the U.S.," a webinar at the Federal University of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, discussing the laws governing data protection in the U.S., both from a privacy ...and security perspective, and also discussing the relevance of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the U.S.
Watch The Video...
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #GeneralDataProtectionRegulation #DataProtectionInTheUS #Webinar #FederalUniversity #RioGrandeDoSul #Brazil #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More
Watch The Video...
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
Personal Website:
Blog Website:
#JayKesan #GeneralDataProtectionRegulation #DataProtectionInTheUS #Webinar #FederalUniversity #RioGrandeDoSul #Brazil #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain[+] Show More

International Webinar On Education, Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Path Ahead, University of Delhi
"Consider Intellectual Property (IP)," International Webinar on ...
"Consider Intellectual Property (IP)," International Webinar on Education, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship: Path Ahead, UK-India Education and Research Initiative, Sept. 10, 2020, discussing the role played by intellectual property in social ...entrepreneurship.
The UK - India Education and Research Initiative. (UKIERI)
Panel Members:
Prof. Francisco Jose Leandro, City University Macau, China
Prof. Jay Kesan, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Dr. Milk Snowden, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Dr. Jamie Hellli, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Prof. Peicialla Roberts, City University, Macau, China
Dr. Roopinra Oceroi, Kiror Mal College, University of Delhi, India
Principal & Head Advisory Committee (CISE):
Dr. Vibha Singh Chauhan
Webinar Convener:
Dr. Roopinder Oberoi, Department of Political Science
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Anita Kamra, Department of Zoology
Dr. S P Tripathi, Department of Mathematics
Dr. Karuna Shree, Department of Geography
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
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Blog Website:
#JayKesan #InternationalWebinar #Education #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain #IntellectualProperty[+] Show More
The UK - India Education and Research Initiative. (UKIERI)
Panel Members:
Prof. Francisco Jose Leandro, City University Macau, China
Prof. Jay Kesan, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Dr. Milk Snowden, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Dr. Jamie Hellli, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Prof. Peicialla Roberts, City University, Macau, China
Dr. Roopinra Oceroi, Kiror Mal College, University of Delhi, India
Principal & Head Advisory Committee (CISE):
Dr. Vibha Singh Chauhan
Webinar Convener:
Dr. Roopinder Oberoi, Department of Political Science
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Anita Kamra, Department of Zoology
Dr. S P Tripathi, Department of Mathematics
Dr. Karuna Shree, Department of Geography
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About Jay Kesan,
He is a Professor and H. Ross and Helen Workman Research Scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a practicing patent attorney for over 20 years.
Academic Work Experience:
Jay Kesan is also an active empirical scholar, and his recent works have focused on cyber risk and patent policy.
Scientific & Legal Work Experience:
As a research scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and subsequently, as a Professor at the University of Illinois at Urban-Champaign, he has published extensively on various technologies, cybersecurity, and patent law.
Jay Kesan has published numerous articles and 6 books on patent law and policy and cybersecurity and privacy with an emphasis on empirical research methodologies.
Please Check out here:
To read more, follow the mentioned links:
Personal Website:
Blog Website:
#JayKesan #InternationalWebinar #Education #Innovation #Entrepreneurship #Patent #PatentPractice #PatentAttorney #PatentLitigation #PatentProsecution #PatentBargain #IntellectualProperty[+] Show More
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